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Donations to the DDMBA NJ Center are tax-deductible. When you donate to the center,  you are helping to support our core services, retreats and center activities, as well as peace building and improving our community.

Please consider making a one-time donation or an installment pledge. Gifts of stock transfer and bequests are always appreciated. For assistance with making donations, please email  or contact us by phone: (732) 249-1898.

Please make your checks payable to DDMBA NJ Center and send it to:


56 Vineyard Road



Alternatively, you can donate online using PayPal by clicking on the DONATE button below:

 Zelle (online transfer):

You can use your online bank account via Zelle for online transactions.

Donate to DDMBA NJ:

For payee please use DDMBA NJ bank account email address:

(Account name: DDMBA NJ Inc.)

* When using Zelle for online transfers, please remember to enter the following required information in the message block to facilitate subsequent  processing (please note that since most banks in the United States currently cannot accept Chinese messages, if necessary, please After using Zelle to transfer money, call or email Dharma Drum Mountain NJ Chapter to inform us of your donation category):

  1.  Your full name in English
  2.  Your contact number and email
  3.  Your donation category (English). For example: General (NJ Center operation), Blessing candle, Flower/Food offering (offerings, flowers and fruits), Offering to Sangha, etc.
  4.  Your address in English so that we can mail your receipt to you.

Lighting Up a Blessing Candle

One Year of Blessing Candle Donation

